Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Characteristics of tea Essay

The issue of healthy life styles has considerably contributed to marketing and is becoming an important factor of modern lives. Today many companies claim potential health benefits from tea drinking. Consequently, big suppliers concentrated on the health awareness of consumers and have positioned their marketing strategies to maximise this potential. For instance, Tetley has teamed up with St. Ivel and Warburtons to develop a website aimed at healthy living. In 2002 PG Tips’ packaging has been redesigned to emphasise ‘healthy’ characteristics of tea. It informs the consumer that tea is an antioxidant source. Antioxidant in tea, so-called ‘flavonoids’, are supposedly vital for a healthy diet. On the other hand, researchers from the University Dental Hospital of Manchester have found out that certain teas [especially herbal tea] may destroy teeth by dissolving enamel [Published in the Journal of Dentistry and Daily Mail 19/11/2001]. In addition to emphasising health issues, KJM foods will differentiate by tapping into another human need: relaxation and peace. The pace of life is accelerating and nowadays many people complain about very fast and hectic lifestyles. People in today’s world barely have any time to relax or be for themselves. Advertising messages should play upon this lack of time and freedom and emphasize on the ‘relaxing ritual’ of brewing tea and enjoying ‘a cuppa’. According to Mintel, consumers are increasingly willing to pay for products and services which provide them with more free time and which make life easier. There is an overall trend to be noticed: one takes a salary cut back in order to have more time, or moves into suburbs to live quieter, people escape into nature, explore the world of ‘Yoga’, take part in ‘Relaxation classes’, do ‘Aromatherapy’ and so on. ‘SOUL’ tea perfectly fits into this new lifestyle trend and its advertising and packaging will emphasize SOUL’s relaxing character and explain that different infusion times will have different effects. For example, the packaging will instruct to increase infusion time in order to change the usual effects of tea into strongly relaxing and soothing effects. This is a niche the other big brands are not considering at present. The ‘Brand Steering Wheel’ by ‘Icon Brand Navigation Ltd. ‘ as per appendix 4 summarizes the desired perception of SOUL by its target groups. It shows all aspects of the brand’s identity and will be used in this report as a future-oriented positioning platform supporting to drive KJM’s marketing and copy strategy.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Compare How Duffy and Armitage Write About Violence in Salome and Hitcher Essay

‘Salome’ and ‘Hitcher’ both use a first person persona and with that, give us insight into their feelings and the theme of violence throughout both poems. In ‘Salome’, Duffy’s character uses a nonchalant tone with no remorse when depicting her actions, which is also present in ‘Hitcher’ too. Salome had ‘done it before’ and will ‘doubtless do it again’ but is oblivious of the repercussions of what she has just stated. She is a promiscuous character and is unaware of what she has done until the last stanza, whereas the narrator in ‘Hitcher’ is fully conscious of his actions. He ‘lets him have it’ and is proud of his actions and his ability to not swerve while attacking the hitchhiker. His colloquial manner represents that he sees it as an entertaining story and how he is unaffected by his actions. Near to the conclusion of ‘Salome’ she decides to clean up her act, becomes repentant of how she has behaved. In comparison, Hitcher just drives away from the body and is ignorant as to his fate; he does not care if he’s alive; he just ‘lets him out’. His casual description of how the body bounces and disappears questions his mental stability and his possession of a conscience. Salome also defends herself, describing the man as a ‘beater or biter’, proposing that she reacted in self-defence although she could also be referring to herself. The plosive ‘b’ also portrays the violence involved with those words. At the end of ‘Hitcher’, the concluding couplet is sarcastic and ironic, seeing as the intended recipient is no longer with him. He recalls thinking ‘Stitch that’ as if the hitchhiker got what he deserved. To him, it’s a joke. Similarly, Salome states ‘ain’t life a bitch’, which is also ironic, as the person she is speaking to is dead. She doesn’t care; he could be any old Simon Andrew or John. Hitcher’s reference to the weather is normal, which shows how his behaviour hasn’t impacted him; the murder was the therapy for his anger as his outlook is now pleasant. The fact that he and the hitchhiker were of the same age wasn’t of particular consequence to him, they both had the same opportunities, yet vastly different paths. The mention of this shows how he can crack at and given moment, and his attention for the inconsequential. Salome’s therapy for her hangover was her maid’s ‘innocent clatter’, so unlike Hitcher’s methods. The fact that Salome calls her maid ‘innocent’ shows how naà ¯ve and unknowing she is about Salome. She’s Salome’s opposite. The rhythmic repetition of the ‘er’ sound emulates the sound of her footsteps which soothes Salome after her night on the ‘batter’. This shows the violence which ensued last night and all the aggression, as well as inverting the female stereotype or passiveness.

Monday, July 29, 2019


# 8211 ; Psychological Aspects Of Characters Essay, Research Paper# 8220 ; Merely if we look profoundly into ourselves can we detect who we truly are? . ( Erich Fromm ) Birdy? at first may look to be a book characterized by its superficiality and simpleness, nevertheless it is within a field secret plan and construction that the existent values are hidden. Wharton? s narrative gives us the penetration into human qualities which are subjected to merely one aim: life itself. The book carries the reader into a wholly different world demoing how a male child creates and lives in his ain universe. Psychological portrayal of Birdy, which the writer presented, has a symbolic significance. Most significantly, it shows that the capacity to comprehend prevarications within the person. One of the psychological facets that Wharton deeply deals with is the lineation of two different characters: Al and Birdy. Those characters represent diverse qualities, however they seem to overlap to a certain extent. Al has a really rational position of life. His realistic attack enables him to step steadfastly through life, catch every chance of it. However, when he meets Birdy, he realizes that it wasn? t true at all, and all that clip he was merely walking with his eyes half-opened. Realism is what Birdy? s doctrine of life is missing, therefore that is why their characters seem to complement one another. A permanent relationship is created, on the footing of which the reader has the chance to detect what psychological alterations they undergo. Al wants to demo Birdy the universe that he has non discovered yet. On the other manus, Birdy tries to unveil the beauty of different world that he himself becomes fascinated with. Each of us has a nature of its ain, alone and exceeding. Wharton stresses it throughout the narrative. He skillfully crafts a psychologically intricate character? Birdy, who sees the universe in different colorss and sunglassess. He explores the universe through a wholly different world. Al? s friendly relationship on the one manus gives him a closer penetration into the existent universe, on the other one intensifies his compulsion. What really Wharton shows is how far can it truly travel. Birdy doesn? Ts have control over his ideas, he seems to be incapacitated. It is his desires that dictate all his actions. They become a beginning for his bizarre behavior. Passion to birds is so overpowering that Birdy becomes unaware of the very facts of the existent life. The existent universe is a labyrinth where he hopelessly seeks for issue. That is chiefly why he escapes to a small oasis of safety from the universe, where he can be certain of being admired when he is non admirable, and prai sed he is non applaudable. Birdy creates a universe of his ain, a topographic point were he could experience safe, proud and needed. He looks for some apprehension among others, but it is merely in the universe created by him that he can happen his kernel of life. A dream in which he becomes a bird has even a sexual intension. It invariably comes back at dark, and becomes so strong that he looses the ability to separate between the existent, and the fanciful universe: ? The dream is every bit existent to me now as my waking life. I don? T know where one begins and the other terminals. ? However, this different world that Birdy enters becomes a boundary line for Al. At the beginning of their friendly relationship Birdy tries to equilibrate between those two diverse universes, however his passion turns out to be stronger. Al and Birdy create a womb-to-tomb fondness # 8211 ; friendly relationship. It becomes the greatest sweetening of their lives. Merely few do detect what it means to be raised to the highest pitch of enjoyment of life. His religion in the possibility of winging helps him to? last? his unhappy childhood. Birdy lives in the head, in thoughts, in fragments. His passion gave him air to take a breath, otherwise he would smother. He does non give up and that makes him the victor. For Al, Birdy? s bizarre behavior is # 8211 ; as he states it? merely traveling excessively far? . He is afraid of it, as the universe that Birdy enters is an unknown measure for Al. He sees that his friend? s passion becomes unmanageable and hence Birdy? s behavior is more and more unpredictable. Al starts to understand that he can non make much about the state of affairs, and that the whole? outlandishness? is beyond his comprehension. That is chiefly why he turns his dorsum at Birdy, go forthing him entirely. Birdy is non capable of happening his ain topographic point in the surrounding world and in the eyes of others he is perceived as insane. ? There is no such an absurd thing that a adult male wouldn? t make merely to give life a purpose. ? ( Wharton ) When after war Al comes back to assist Birdy retrieve, he realizes the really true facts of life. His behavior in the infirmary for mentally handicapped reveals his fond nature. Al understands that Birdy became a portion of his life. However, the state of affairs that he has to get by with terrifies him. On the manner to Birdy? s mental recovery, which does non look to hold positive consequences, Al realizes that the universe they are populating in is full of ugliness, danger and corruption. One therefore should construct a universe of his ain, where all these jobs do non merely be. Wharton, when asked about the intent of psychological intricateness of some of his characters including Birdy said that it is # 8220 ; because there is some prevarication in this universe that I want to expose # 8221 ; . Wharton through psychological portrayals of characters shows the dichotomy of universes, a clang between the mimetic universe and the one created by friendly relationship and passion. F ictional universe crafted by writer suggests another impression of saneness in a universe that is obviously insane. Birdy creates his ain doctrine of life? a arm against the world. ? It takes 20 old ages or more of peace to do a adult male ; it takes merely 20 seconds of war to destruct him. ? ( Baudouin I ) Birdy is a mentally delicate character. He is capable of seeing things other people consider unimportant and meaningless. Those small things give him hope and something he can believe in. His whole life revolves around them. However, this is wholly changed by war. It puts an terminal to his delicate mind which is crushed under the load of what he has to travel through. All the agony, hurting, fright and the feeling of uncertainness destruct his belief in the universe he is populating in. That is why Birdy escapes into his ain world, nevertheless that is where he gets lost. His contact with the existent universe is handicapped, war brainwashes him into unreasonable manner of comprehending the world. Birdy? s attack to life reveals general truths of this universe. It shows that if we want to happen the right manner in our lives we can merely make it by looking for it in ourselves. The reader at some point may inquire about the psychological facets of homo? s behavior, inquiring such inquiries as: What is truly needed to continue one? s felicity, to be truly free? Is it really possible? Can we do us believe that everything has a intent? Al and Birdy have aims for their lives but they are non capable of seting to societal stereotypes. They invariably run off from them, seeking for something new. Wharton? s technique of portraying the fictional universe is a really specific one. The reader gets to cognize all the events from different positions. The universe is perceived through Al? s and Birdy? s eyes. The inside informations of the male childs? past life are shown by agencies of retrospection. Wharton # 8217 ; s authorship is frequently dark and incorporates phantasmagoric elements aggressively contrasted against splanchnic world. In his head, Birdy lives as a bird, and the description of that life has a dreamy, unreal quality. Through his friend Al, we see the world of his life: the grim veteran # 8217 ; s infirmary, the detached staff, Birdy # 8217 ; s hapless physical province. The differing elements suit together to organize a whole life, even if it is a life given over to madness. The narrative shows that in the hunt of freedom one has to travel through existent and metaphysical labyrinth. It is the lone thing Birdy needs to wing thought the deepnesss of life. He pr oves that the existent art of life is to do the impossible, possible. In many ways, Wharton? s position of the universe is true. By a characteristic manner of showing the fictional universe, the reader has the chance to introduce with the huge psychological portrayals of characters. We get to cognize non merely au naturel facts, but besides interior ideas and the emotions that accompany them. That is why the reader can comprehend the fictional universe through different positions and place with the characters. Wharton by agencies of field and straightforward linguistic communication expresses deeper ideas. Fictional characters? actions become symbolic and can be interpreted on different evidences.

P3725 case 21 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

P3725 case 21 - Essay Example On the other hand, untreated periodontitis can lead to early tooth loss. According to Ere and Genco (2007), â€Å"periodontal disease is highly prevalent in older adults, affecting 34% of the American population ages greater than 30 years and it is severe in 13% .† Patient with certain genetic traits or systemic diseases such as diabetes, smokers, stress, medication, clenching, or grinding teeth suffer from increase susceptibility. Reducing gingivitis and destructive periodontal diseases among adults is one of the important oral health objectives since it entails proving good oral preventive instruction care. As a student, I want to contribute to the efforts aimed at decreasing prenatal disease care particularly with respect to the case of Mr. B. I have seen a number of patients with some periodontal disease. Such encounters have been very fundamental in broadening my knowledge and understanding on care related to such infections, a move that would be very critical in helping such patients. One of such cases is that of Mr. B who is 48 year-old male, divorced, and works 3-4 days a week far from home. Currently, he is serving as a salesperson. He happens to have been complaining of the appearance of the yellowing and stains teeth. Over the last three years, he has been to a dental specialist after every 4 months for checkups and cleaning. This patient clenches and grinds the teeth in the daytime and night. He does not floss and regularly uses hard tooth brush 3 times a week for approximately one minute with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda tooth paste. He has been smoking two packets of cigarettes per day and has not plan to quite any time soon. Also, he consumes four cups of coffee daily. The patient has type II diabetes und er control with medication. The last physician visit was for hyperthyroidism thyroid gland with medication. He strives to reach a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Functionalistic Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Functionalistic Theory - Essay Example The basic principles of functionalist theory as applied in psychology reside in the concept that although every part of the organism functions independently, they are still linked together. Each has its own function to perform but all parts have the ultimate goal of determining ways to adapt to the environment to maintain equilibrium. Such function is the primary concern of functionalistic theory rather than the structures. In addition, human functioning and behaviors are understood through the conduction of research and other methods of study employing non human animals because of their relation to humans making them a suitable substitute for investigation of real life events. But since not all humans are the same, functionalists stressed that there are individual variations which laid further studies regarding individual differences. The works of the three theorists of functionalism, Thorndike, Dewey and James have contributed much to functionalism’s popularity and applicati on. Their work did not only advocate the recognition of functionalism as a school of thought but had influenced the American education. Along this line, their significant addition is compared and contrasted. The idea of James had changed how physics was thought from Newtonian operation to pragmatism.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reflection of tuesdays with Morrie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflection of tuesdays with Morrie - Essay Example As a result, they do not have much idea about learning how to die, but so much knowledge about the learning on how to live. According to Morrie, â€Å"once you learn how to die, you learn how to live†. To analyze the context of this point, one must understand first that these words form a statement that came from a person who has eventually accepted the idea of death, it is Morrie. Morrie, in his situation is not oblivious of the thought that the possibility of his physical death is at any moment and that could be depicted as like someone who is lurking around the corner and is ready to gouge him to death at any time. It is at this point in time that Morrie has eventually appreciated many things about life, which is something that many people do not appreciate, because they are too busy or being preoccupied earning a living for them to survive. However, behind all of these things, they are oblivious of the fact that they might have been missing something important or essential. They might have not appreciated the simple things, which eventually are the things based on the point of view of Morrie a s essential to survival. These things if properly appreciated will eventually lead a person to live a life free from stress and full of contentment. Thus, Morrie is just trying to show the idea that unless a person will never know things concerning on what it takes to be dying, the things that are truly essential for living can hardly be recognized by them. This is evident to the point of Morrie when he is certain of the perspective that people are too involved in material goods and their own egotism (Albom, 2009). While relying on an oxygen tank to survive, Morrie eventually appreciates the things outside of his window, but unfortunately he is no longer able to go outside and enjoy some of these things. However, the thought of contentment in his mind is the ultimate force that continues to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Write book review on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep Essay

Write book review on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Essay Example According to the book, the anticipated World War III will have killed millions of people and sending mankind away from the planet and forced several animal species into extinction. People who remained coveted any existing living creature (Dick 34). People who could not afford living creatures sought help from companies that manufactured them. Some companies manufacture even human beings referred to as Androids. The government does not want androids and want them all killed. People like Rick are employers whose work is to kill all androids that come their way. Androids, fearing that they may be killed, blended well into the human society. It is undisputable that Dick’s work is classic and fits well in the stated genre. The book works on several pressing concerns for humanity. It is heavily characterized with drama and several popular philosophical questions. For instance, the book answers the question on how the world will come to an end. The novel has excellent character development with proper plot and thematic enhancement. The story makes intense observation and analysis of the nature of religion, life, human condition and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Cooperative education application Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cooperative education application - Assignment Example 9) What is your organisation’s turnover? Brand House Advertising Service is located in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company was established in 1992 with an intention to offer large format printing of designs & advertisings through both online and offline platform. In marketing term, Brand House Advertising Service is an advertising firm which specializes in offering printed billboards, designed advertising contents and sign boards to both retail and business customers (Brand House Advertising Service, 2013a). During the initial phase, Brand House started as print advertising contentment writing organization but on the later years the company has used the latest technologies in order to become a full-fledged printing and creative advertising firm. Employee strength in the organization is 140 employees spread into different branches. In my branch there are 25 employees and 10 of them are in my department. Noticeable fact is that, Brand House Advertising Service doesnâ₠¬â„¢t publish its financial report and also the top officials of the company were very secretive about disclosing its revenue to employees. Hence, it is not possible for me to assume exact turnover for Brand House. Currently, Brand House is positioned as 7 th in terms market capitalization in advertising industry of Riyadh while major competitors for the company are Al manara Advertising, 3 Points Advertising, 4 Sight Advertising etc (Topp10, 2011). Structure of the organization, can be depicted in the following manner. (Source: Brand House Advertising Service, 2013a) It is evident from the organizational chart of Brand House Advertising Service that the company follows centralized control model, where board of directors and president has the control over work of different departments. 4 vice presidents are appointed by the company in order to handle four verticals of business such as client service, creative service, marketing service and management &finance. Human resource departm ent works as separate functional department which undertakes responsibilities such as recruitment, training and performance management. Other 3 departments and associated subdivisions related to account supervisors, creative director and media research work under the supervisions of respective vice presidents. Value proposition of the company can be depicted in the following manner. (Source: Brand House Advertising Service, 2013b) The above diagram is showing the Key objective of Brand House is to deliver a planned design development procedure, which can help companies to achieve competitive advantage by establishing strong brand identity (Brand House Advertising Service, 2013a). 3. Your Position Description Job Title: Executive Secretary Workplace Supervisor: Naif M. Alsuba Brand House Advertising Service uses the tagline â€Å"Reach your potential customers†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and the company tries to maintain this value proposition in all of its service offerings such as Large Format Printing  Brochures, Packaging and Branding, Industrial Displays, Stationeries, Graphic Designs, Exhibition Booths and Corporate Gift Items (Brand House Advertising Service, 2013b). In such context of value proposition, my responsibility or job description in the organization can be summarized in the following manner; Tasks/Responsibilities: I used to provide close administrative support for an executive. Executives include those at the management level of an organization who has the authority

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Person Who Was Nearly Killed After a Heart Attack Research Paper

A Person Who Was Nearly Killed After a Heart Attack - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that many years ago, the patient was already warned by the doctors to watch his diet and maintain a regular exercise. He was advised to be â€Å"careful about his health† and watch his weight because he was already hypertensive and his family (both on the father and mother side) had a long history of having cardiovascular disease and hypertension. The patient was already overweight which indicated that he really had to watch his health. Even his wife which is also a family friend already advised him to at least scale down on his drinking habit and have a change of diet. Still, it was to no avail. The patient was encouraged to do sport or go to the gym or do a leisure swim as a substitute for drinking but it still did not work. Even if he already reached his 40s and had a history of cardiovascular diseases on both sides of his family, he still carried the lifestyle that he had when he was still college. He likes to indulge in fatty foods like pork and high cholesterol beef in addition to junk foods and soda. Even his wife already reminded him to â€Å"slow down† with his eating and drinking habits to no avail. He does not get enough sleep due to his beer binges rendering his immune system weak. Until one day while eating, he suffered a heart attack and it was obviously bad. He just fell from his seat. It was accompanied by a stroke due to his hypertension. It nearly killed him only that he was rushed to the hospital in time. But he was not able to recover from that single heart attack and stroke.... ho attended him explained that the stroke which paralyzed his brain was caused by high blood pressure and heart attack which deprived the brain of oxygen during the attack. Due to the spontaneous heart attacks and stroke that deprived the brain oxygen (caused by heart attack), several blood vessels or nerves in his brain burst. The bursting of the blood vessels left a blood clot lodged within the nerves of his brain that blocked the oxygen from reaching his brain tissues. As a result, his brain tissues deteriorated that instead of recovering, his situation is just getting bad. To date, his physical movement is seriously limited that he has to be on a wheel chair and his speech is now impaired because he can no longer speak clearly. His hearing also deteriorated because we have to yell before he can hear us. But what hurts more than his physical condition is the effect of his sudden paralysis on his family. It was also as if his family was paralyzed. The very first thing that was affe cted was their finances. He was the sole breadwinner in their family and his paralysis rendered him unfit to work and removed the source of income for their family. The only consolation they have is that they were done amortizing their house that they were not thrown out to the streets even if the husband is no longer working. Their savings were literally wiped out with his hospitalization that rendered them bankrupt. They also had to spend for his expensive maintenance medicines. What hurt more is that the wife was forced to work doing some menial jobs that she was not used to. Two of his children has to stopped going to college (the eldest was sophomore in college while the second is a freshman and the youngest was in junior high). They went through turbulent times after that becasue

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why should we care about child poverty in the uk Essay

Why should we care about child poverty in the uk - Essay Example According to Burns(2013)â€Å"In terms of local authorities, Tower Hamlets in London had the highest levels of child poverty, with 42% of children growing up in poverty†. Being developed nation child poverty indicates the incompetence and inefficiency of United Kingdom in the eyes of world. As per Save the Children (2012)â€Å"In Britain today there are a shocking 1.6 million children living in severe poverty†. A nation with comprehensive government agenda and public health policy need to give much attention to health and quality of living of young generation in their country. Child poverty in UK also shows the low wages of its citizen. As per BBC(2012)â€Å" A child is considered to be living in poverty if their household income is less than 60% of averages wages†. So child poverty is a matter of significance as it is a call to the nation for the alteration of policies of public health and welfare of a nation. Child poverty in UK is a subject to be pondered about as it is a concern for the future development of the country. Child poverty is a serious factor which afflicts the health and wellbeing of a child. When a child is mentally and physically impoverished, then the education of the child and his personality is in question. According to (Save the children)â€Å"Malnutrition is the underlying cause of at least a fifth of maternal mortality and more than a third of child deaths globally†. The poverty steals away nourishment, health, living status and education from a child. A child without education is a weakest link of a nation, society and family. So child poverty in UK is a serious issue. As per Barnardos(2013) â€Å"There are currently 3.6 million children living in poverty in the UK†. Child poverty is a shame on the economic status of a nation. If a child is not protected by government, then the country has no authentic responsibility towards its nation.

Ethic Essay Essay Example for Free

Ethic Essay Essay Assume that Mark pledge to look after his sister’s son while she goes to the grocery store to buy some food. Instead, he goes to a computer shop to play poker in the internet. Supposedly, Mark should find another person to baby-sit the son of his sister. This is the moral responsibility of Mark for his obligations to the child and his mother. Secondly, Mark’s sister has also a moral responsibility in circumstances when it would be right to ethically commend or hold responsible Mark for his actions. If Mark failed to find a baby-sitter, he is morally responsible for the failure of his sister to buy some food in the grocery store. Mark’s actions are reflected to moral agents. Agents are reflects to situations and intensions of actions (Q1 Q2). I found my self altruistic to other people. If I have something (i. e. some money, food, clothes, etc. ), I intend to give it to other people. I didn’t count those things but I just want to help other people even at small things. Altruism in ethical concept in psychology is the purposeful pursuit of welfare of other people and/or public interest. In layman’s term, the concept of altruism is the unselfishness of one person for the welfare of other people (other than his/her family). I find it odd since I’m attracted towards helping other people like beggars and street people and charities rather than giving help my family’s lives (Q3 Q4). The top three values I have are being altruistic, kind, and serious. I think these values came from my family and the culture we have. I also think that being altruistic and kind are some of the professional ethics in psychology that are most compatible with my personal values. The notion of psychological egoism I believed is the notion where people are inspired by self-interest and concerns to others for the reason that this kindness will be returned back to them and will benefit them. (ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGISTS AND CODE OF CONDUCT, 2002). Conversely, this is only a viewpoint of how things are but not what is expected to happen or ought to be (Q5 Q6). References ETHICAL PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGISTS AND CODE OF CONDUCT. (2002) American Psychological Association.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Critical Thinking at Work Essay Example for Free

Critical Thinking at Work Essay The aforementioned â€Å"Rational Model† actually entails following 4 processes including: First of all is to pinpoint or identify the problem; second is to bring into being diverse alternatives/answers to the problem that has just been identified; third is to choose or pick a solution from the second stage or process; and last but not least is to implement the chosen solution before finally assessing it (Decision Making, n. d. ). The description provided will be further understood in the following example taken from my personal experience at the William Smith Sr. Tri-County Early Head Start. Example from My Personal Experience at William Smith Sr. Tri-County Early Head Start Keith A. , a student of the William Smith Sr. Tri-County Early Head Start has often been exhibiting temper tantrums. There are times when he would throw objects at other kids, slap them, lash out at them, etc. He does not seem to know how to calm down. The same thing happened during one of the weekly field trips. All of a sudden, he pushed his seatmate in the bus, yelled at her, and then eventually hit her. Following that incident, a school official seated behind him stood up and sat next to him. I thought she was just going to speak to the child, remind him that what he did was an unacceptable behavior, and oblige him to apologize to his seatmate, etc. But instead of doing so, he held the boy’s hands tightly and angrily told him to behave. When the young boy yelled at the school official, he held Keith’s cheek tightly, said â€Å"you better show some respect young man†. Keith spit at the school official as a response and so he was slapped in return. I did not protect the child. I did not have the courage to tell the school official that he should not treat the young boy that way even if what he did was wrong. Later that day, I was torn between telling the truth and just letting the occurrence pass. I knew in my heart that what the school official did was wrong. It clearly defies the philosophy/vision/mission, as well as, goals of the programs offered in William Smith Sr. Tri-County Early Head Start (William Smith, Sr. , Tri-County Child Development Council, Inc. , n. d. ). I would like to tell the head of the school about what I saw so that the school official who did that to Keith would be subjected to disciplinary action/s and so that such an untoward incident would never happen again because if it did so many students will probably be traumatized if that is how they will be treated if they misbehaved. It is quite difficult on my part to go to the head of the school though and relay what I had just witnessed earlier that day because I am only an ordinary â€Å"rank-and-file employee†. It would be my word as an ordinary employee against the high and mighty school official. It could mean loss of a job on my part. Importance/Benefits of Critical Thinking in the Decision-making Process I utilized the â€Å"Rational Model† here. First, I have identified the problem, which is whether or not to report the untoward incident that I witnessed. Second, I have realized the choices: a) I will tell the head about it to prevent such occurrence in the future; or b) I will just keep it to myself so as to keep my job as well. Third is to pick choice â€Å"a† because it is the right thing to do. Finally, carry it out. Critical thinking played a large role in the decision-making process that I had engaged in since I was able to balance/weigh everything before I moved. Without the â€Å"Rational Model† and without the process of critical thinking, I would not be able to decide objectively and probably arrived at the wrong/unethical decision. References Decision Making. (n. d. ). Retrieved January 17, 2008 from http://72. 14. 253. 104/search? q=cache:ycQOog9jFygJ:www. unf. edu/~gbaker/Man6204/Decision. PDF+decision-making+modelshl=tlct=clnkcd=2gl=phclient=firefox-a William Smith, Sr. , Tri-County Child Development Council, Inc. (n. d. ). About Us. Retrieved January 17, 2008 from http://www. wsstricounty. org/About. html

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Partitioning Methods to Improve Obsolescence Forecasting

Partitioning Methods to Improve Obsolescence Forecasting Amol Kulkarni Abstract Clustering is an unsupervised classification of observations or data items into groups or clusters. The problem of clustering has been addressed by many researchers in various disciplines, which serves to reflect its usefulness as one of the steps in exploratory data analysis. This paper presents an overview of partitioning methods, with a goal of providing useful advice and references to identifying the optimal number of cluster and provide a basic introduction to cluster validation techniques. The aim of clustering methods carried out in this paper is to present useful information which would aid in forecasting obsolescence. INRODUCTION There have been more inventions recorded in the past thirty years than all the rest of recorded humanity, and this pace hastens every month. As a result, the product life cycle has been decreasing rapidly, and the life cycle of products no longer fit together with the life cycle of their components. This issue is termed as obsolescence, wherein a component can no longer be obtained from its original manufacturer. Obsolescence can be broadly categorized into Planned and Unplanned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence can be considered as a business strategy, in which the obsolescence of a product is built into it from its conception. As Philip Kotler termed it Much so-called planned obsolescence is the working of the competitive and technological forces in a free society-forces that lead to ever-improving goods and services. On the other hand, unplanned obsolescence causes more harm to a burgeoning industry than good. This issue is more prevalent in the electronics industry; the procurem ent life-cycles for electronic components are significantly shorter than the manufacturing and support life-cycle. Therefore, it is highly important to implement and operate an active management of obsolescence to mitigate and avoid extreme costs [1]. One such product that has been plagued by threat of obsolescence is the digital camera. Ever-since the invention of smartphones there has been a huge dip in the digital camera sales, as can be seen from Figure 1. The decreasing price, the exponential rate at which the pixels and the resolution of the smart-phones improved can be termed as few of the factors that cannibalized the digital camera market. Figure 1 Worldwide Sales of Digital Cameras (2011-2016) [2] and Worldwide sale of cellphones on the right (2007-2016) [3] CLUSTERING Humans naturally use clustering to understand the world around them. The ability to group sets of objects based on similarities are fundamental to learning. Researchers have sought to capture these natural learning methods mathematically and this has birthed the clustering research. To help us solve problems at-least approximately as our brain, mathematically precise notation of clustering is important [4]. Clustering is a useful technique to explore natural groupings within multivariate data for a structure of natural groupings, also for feature extraction and summarizing. Clustering is also useful in identifying outliers, forming hypotheses concerning relationships. Clustering can be thought of as partitioning a given space into K groups i.e., à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬Å": à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ ¹ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ {1, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, K}. One method of carrying out this partitioning is to optimize some internal clustering criteria such as the distance between each observation within a c luster etc. While clustering plays an important role in data analysis and serves as a preprocessing step for a multitude of learning task, our primary interest lies in the ability of clusters to gain more information from the data to improve prediction accuracy. As clustering, can be thought of separating classes, it should help in classification task. The aim of clustering is to find useful groups of objects, usefulness being defined by the goals of the data analysis. Most clustering algorithms require us to know the number of clusters beforehand. However, there is no intuitive way of identifying the optimal number of clusters. Identifying optimal clustering is dependent on the methods used for measuring similarities, and the parameters used for partitioning, in general identifying the optimal number of clusters. Determining number of clusters is often an ad hoc decision based on prior knowledge, assumptions, and practical experience is very subjective. This paper performs k-means and k-medoids clustering to gain information from the data structure that could play an important role in predicting obsolescence. It also tries to address the issue of assessing cluster tendency, which is a first and foremost step while carrying out unsupervised machine learning process. Optimization of internal and external clustering criteria will be carried out to identify the optimal number of cluster. Cluster Validation will be carried out to identify the most suitable clustering algorithm. DATA CLEANING Missing value in a dataset is a common occurrence in real world problems. It is important to know how to handle missing data to reduce bias and to produce powerful models. Sometimes ignoring the missing data, biases the answers and potentially leads to incorrect conclusion. Rubin in [7] differentiated between three types of missing values in the dataset: Missing completely at random (MCAR): when cases with missing values can be thought of as a random sample of all the cases; MCAR occurs rarely in practice. Missing at random (MAR): when conditioned on all the data we have, any remaining missing value is completely random; that is, it does not depend on some missing variables. So, missing values can be modelled using the observed data. Then, we can use specialized missing data analysis methods on the available data to correct for the effects of missing values. Missing not at random (MNAR): when data is neither MCAR nor MAR. This is difficult to handle because it will require strong assumptions about the patterns of missing data. While in practice the use of complete case methods which drops the observations containing missing values is quite common, this method has the disadvantage that it is inefficient and potentially leads to bias. Initial approach was to visually explore each individual variable with the help of VIM. However, upon learning the limitations of filling in missing values through exploratory data analysis, this approach was abandoned in favor of multiple imputations. Joint Modelling (JM) and Fully Conditional Specification (FCS) are the two emerging general methods in imputing multivariate data. If multivariate distribution of the missing data is a reasonable assumption, then Joint Modelling which imputes data based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques would be the best method. FCS specifies the multivariate imputation model on a variable-by-variable basis by a set of conditional densities, one for each incomplete variable. Starting from an initial imputation, FCS draws imputations by iterating over the conditional densities. A low number of iterations is often sufficient. FCS is attractive as an alternative to JM in cases where no suitable multivariate distribution can be found [8]. The Multiple imputations approach involves filling in missing values multiple times, creating multiple complete datasets. Because multiple imputations involve creating multiple predictions for each missing value, the analysis of data imputed multiple times take into account the uncertainty in the imputations and yield accurate standard errors. Multiple imputation techniques have been utilized to impute missing values in the dataset, primarily because it preserves the relation in the data and it also preserves uncertainty about these relations. This method is by no means perfect, it has its own complexities. The only complexity was having variables of different types (binary, unordered and continuous), thereby making the application of models, which assumed multivariate normal distribution- theoretically inappropriate. There are several complexities that surface listed in [8]. In order to address this issue It is convenient to specify imputation model separately for each column in th e data. This is called as chained equations wherein the specification occurs at a variable level, which is well understood by the user. The first task is to identify the variables to be included in the imputation process. This generally includes all the variables that will be used in the subsequent analysis irrespective of the presence of missing data, as well as variables that may be predictive of the missing data. There are three specific issues that often come up when selecting variables: (1) creating an imputation model that is more general than the analysis model, (2) imputing variables at the item level vs. the summary level, and (3) imputing variables that reflect raw scores vs. standardized scores. To help make a decision on these aspects, the distribution of the variables may help guide the decision. For example, if the raw scores of a continuous measure are more normally distributed than the corresponding standardized scores then using the raw scores in the imputation model, will likely better meet the assumptions of the linear regressions being used in the imputation process. The following image shows the missing values in the data-frame containing the information regarding digital camera. Figure 2 Missing Variables We can see that Effective Pixels has missing values for all its observations. After cross verifying it with the source website, the web scrapper was rewriting to correctly capture this variable from the website. The date variable was converted from a numeric to a date and this enabled the identification of errors in the observation for USB in the dataset. Two cameras that were released in 1994 1995 were shown to have USB 2.0, after searching online, it was found out that USB 2.0 was released in the year 2005 and USB 1.0 was released in the year 1996. As, most of the cameras before 1997 used PC-serial port a new level was introduced to the USB variable to indicate this. DATA DESCRIPTION The dataset containing the specification of the digital cameras was acquired using rvest -package [5] in R from the url provided in [6]. The structure of the data set is as shown in Appendix A. The data-frame contains 2199 observation and 55 variables. Appendix B contains the descriptive statistics of the quantitative variables in the data-frame. Figure 4 The Distribution of Body-Type in the dataset Observation: Most of the compact, Large SLR and ultracompact cameras are discontinued. Figure 5 Plot showing the status of Digital Cameras from 1994-2017 Observation: Most of the cameras released before 2007 have been discontinued however, we can see that few cameras announced between the period of 1996-2006 are still in production. Fewer new cameras have been announced after the year 2012, this can be evidenced due to the decreasing number of camera sales presented in Figure 5. Figure 6 Distribution of different Cameras (1994-2017) Observation: Between the period of 1996 2012 the digital camera market was dominated by the compact cameras. After 2012, fewer new compact cameras have been announced or are still in production. Same can be said about the fate of ultracompact cameras. In the year 2017, only SLR style mirrorless cameras have been announced, signaling the death of point and shoot cameras. Figure 7 Plot showing the Change in the Total Resolution and Effective Pixels of Digital Camera over the Years Observation: Total resolution has seen an improvement over the years. The presence of outliers can be seen in the top-left corner of the plot. Although the effective pixel is around 10, the total resolution is far higher than any of the cameras announced between the period 1996-2001. These could be the cameras that are still in production as evidenced from Figure 7. ASSESSING CLUSTER TENDENCY A primary issue with unsupervised machine learning is the fact if carried out blindly, clustering methods will divide the data into clusters, because that is what they are supposed to do. Therefore, before choosing a clustering approach, it is important to decide whether the dataset contains meaningful clusters. If the data does contain meaningful clusters, then the number of clusters is also an issue that needs to be looked at. This process is called assessing clustering tendency (feasibility of cluster analysis). To carry out a feasibility study of cluster analysis Hopkins statistic will be used to assess the clustering tendency of the dataset. Hopkins statistic assess the clustering tendency based on the probability that a given data follows a uniform distribution (tests for spatial randomness). If the value of the statistic is close to zero this implies that the data does not follow uniform distribution and thus we can reject the null hypothesis. Hopkins statistic is calculated using the following formula: Where xi is the distance between two neighboring points in a given, dataset and yi represents the distance between two neighboring points of a simulated dataset following uniform distribution. If the value of H is 0.5, this implies that and are close to one another and thus the given data follows a uniform distribution. The next step in the unsupervised learning method is to identify the optimal number of clusters. The Hopkins statistic for the digital camera dataset was found to be 0.00715041. Since Hopkins statistic was quite low, we can conclude that the dataset is highly clusterable. A visual assessment of the clustering tendency was also carried out and the result can be seen in Figure 8. Figure 8 Dissimilarity Matrix of the dataset DETERMINING OPTIMAL NUMBER OF CLUSTERS One simple solution to identify the optimal number of cluster is to perform hierarchical clustering and determine the number of clusters based on the dendogram generated. However, we will utilize the following methods to identify the optimal number of clusters: An optimization criterion such as within sum of squares or Average Silhouette width Comparing evidence against null hypothesis. (Gap Statistic) SUM OF SQUARES The basic idea behind partitioning methods like k-means clustering algorithms, is to define clusters such that the total within cluster sum of squares is minimized. Where Ck is the kth cluster and W(Ck) is the variation within the cluster. Our aim is to minimize the total within cluster sum of squares as it measures the compactness of the clusters. In this approach, we generally perform clustering method, by varying the number of clusters (k). For each k we compute the total within sum of squares. We then plot the total within sum of squares against the k-value, the location of bend or knee in the plot is considered as an appropriate value of the cluster. AVERAGE SILHOUETTE WIDTH Average silhouette is a measure of the quality of clustering, in that it determines the how well an object lies within its cluster. The metric can range from -1 to 1, where higher values are better. Average silhouette method computes the average silhouette of observations for different number of clusters. The optimal number of clusters is the one that maximizes the average silhouette over a range of possible values for different number of clusters [9]. Average silhouette functions similar to within sum of squares method. We carry out the clustering algorithm by varying the number of clusters, then we calculate average silhouette of observation for each cluster. We then plot the average silhouette against different number of clusters. The location with the highest value of average silhouette width is considered as the optimum number of cluster. GAP STATISTIC This method compares the total within sum of squares for different number of cluster with their expected values while assuming that the data follows a distribution with no obvious clustering. The reference dataset is generated using Monte Carlo simulations of the sampling process. For each variable (xi) in the dataset we compute its range [min(xi), max(xj)] and generate n values uniformly from the range min to max. The total within cluster variation for both the observed data and the reference data is computed for different number of clusters. The gap statistic for a given number of cluster is defined as follows: denotes the expectation under a sample of size n from the reference distribution. is defined via bootstrapping and computing the average . The gap statistic measures the deviation of the observed Wk value from its expected value under the null hypothesis. The estimate of the optimal number of clusters will be a value that maximizes Gapn(k). This implies that the clustering structure is far away from the uniform distribution of points. The standard deviation (sdk) of is also computed in order to define the standard error sk as follows: Finally, we choose the smallest value of the number of cluster such that the gap statistic is within one standard deviation of the gap at k+1 Gap(k)à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥Gap(k+1) sk+1 The above method and its explanation are borrowed from [10]. DATA PRE-PROCESSING The issue with K-means clustering is that it cannot handle categorical variables. As the K-means algorithm defines a cost function that computes Euclidean distance between two numeric values. However, it is not possible to define such distance between categorical values. Hence, the need to treat categorical data as numeric. While it is not improper to deal with variables in this manner, however categorical variables lose their meaning once they are treated as numeric. To be able to perform clustering efficiently, Gower distance will be used for clustering. The concept of Gower distance is that for each variable a distance metric that works well for that particular type of variable is used. It is scaled between 0 and 1 and then a linear combination of weights is calculated to create the final distance matrix. PARTITIONING METHODS K-MEANS K-means clustering is the simplest and the most commonly used partitioning method for splitting a dataset into a set of k clusters. In this method, we first choose K initial centroids. Each point is then assigned to the closest centroid, and each collection of points is assigned to a centroid in the cluster. The centroid of each cluster is updated based on the additional points assigned to the cluster. We repeat his until the centroids find a steady state. Figure 9 Plot Showing total sum of square and Average Silhouette width for different number of clusters We can see from Figure 9, that the optimal number of clusters suggested by the optimization criteria is 3 clusters using WSS method and 2 clusters using Average Silhouette width method. Considering the dependent variable is factor with two levels, having two clusters does make sense. The disadvantage of optimization criterion to identify the optimal clusters is that, it is sometimes ambiguous. A more sophisticated method is the gap statistic method. Figure 10 Gap Statistic for different number of clusters From Figure 10, we can see that the Gap statistic is high for 2 clusters. Hence, we carry out k-means clustering with 2 clusters on a majority basis. Figure 11 Visualizing K-means Clustering Method The data separates into two relatively distinct clusters, with the red category in the left region, while the region on the right contains the blue category. There is a limited overlap at the interface between the classes. To visualize K-means it is necessary to bring the number of dimensions down to two. The graph produced by fviz_cluster: Factoextra Ver: 1.0 [11] is not a selection of any two dimensions. The plot shows the projection of the entire data onto the first two principle components. These are the dimensions which show the most variation in the data. The 52.8% indicates that the first principle component accounts for 52.8% variation in the data, whereas the second principle component accounts for 23.9% variation in the data. Together both the dimensions account for 76.7% of the variation. The polygon in red and blue represent the cluster means. PARTITIONING AROUND MEDOIDS K means clustering is highly sensitive to outliers, this would affect the assignment of observations to their respective clusters. Partitioning around medoids also known as K-medoids clustering are much more robust compared to k-means. K-medoids is based on the search of medoids among the observation of the dataset. These medoids represent the structure of the data. Much like K-means, after finding the medoids for each of the K- clusters, each observation is assigned to the nearest medoid. The aim is to find K-medoids such that it minimizes the sum of dissimilarities of the observations within the cluster. Figure 12 Plot Showing total sum of square and Average Silhouette width for different number of clusters We can see from Figure 12, that the optimal number of clusters suggested by the optimization criteria is 3 clusters using WSS method and 2 clusters using Average Silhouette width method. Considering the dependent variable is factor with two levels, having two clusters does make sense. The disadvantage of optimization criterion to identify the optimal clusters is that, it is sometimes ambiguous. A more sophisticated method is the gap statistic method. Figure 13 Gap Statistic for different number of clusters From Figure 13, we can see that the Gap statistic is high for 2 clusters. Hence, we carry out partitioning around medoids clustering with 2 clusters on a majority basis. Figure 14 Plot visualizing PAM clustering method The data separates into two relatively distinct clusters, with the red category in the lower region, while the upper region contains the blue category. There is a limited overlap at the interface between the classes. fviz_cluster: Factoextra Ver: 1.0 [11] transforms the initial set of variables into a new set of variables through principal component analysis. This dimensionality reduction algorithm operates on the 72 variables and outputs the two new variables that represent the projection of the original dataset. CLUSTER VALIDATION The next step in cluster analysis is to find the goodness of fit and to avoid finding patterns in noise and to compare clustering algorithms, cluster validation is carried out. The following cluster validation measures to compare K-means and PAM clustering will be used: Connectivity: Indicates the extent to which the observations are placed in the same cluster as their nearest neighbors in the data space. It has a value ranging from 0 to à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¾ and should be minimized Dunn: It is the ratio of shortest distance between two clusters to the largest intra-cluster distance. It has a value ranging from 0 to à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¾ and should be maximized. Average Silhouette width The results of internal validation measures are presented in the table below. K-means for two cluster has performed better for each statistic. Figure 15 Plot Comparing Connectivity and Dunn Index for K-means and PAM for different number of clusters      Ã‚   Figure 16 Plot Comparing Average Silhouette width of K-means and PAM Clustering Algorithm Validation Measures Number of Clusters 2 3 4 5 6 kmeans Connectivity 139.9575 292.5563 406.5429 514.3913 605.5373 Dunn 0.0661 0.0246 0.0223 0.0244 0.0291 Silhouette 0.4369 0.3174 0.2814 0.2679 0.2447 pam Connectivity 156.1004 333.754 474.4298 520.3913 635.3687 Dunn 0.0275 0.0397 0.022 0.028 0.0246 Silhouette 0.4271 0.3035 0.2757 0.2661 0.2325 Table 1 Presenting the values of different validation measures for K-means and PAM Validation Measures Score Method Clusters Connectivity 139.9575 kmeans 2 Dunn 0.0661 kmeans 2 Silhouette 0.4369 kmeans 2 Table 2 Optimal Scores for the Validation Measures CONCLUSION In this research work, partitioning methods like K-means and Partitioning around medoids were developed. The performances of these two approaches have been observed on the basis of their Connectivity, Dunn index and Average Silhouette width. The results indicate that K-means clustering algorithm with K = 2 performs better than partitioning around medoids with two clusters. The findings of this paper will be very useful to predict obsolescence with higher accuracy. FUTURE WORK Advanced clustering algorithms such as Model based clustering and Density based clustering can be carried out to find the multivariate data structure as most of the variables are categorical. [1] Bjoern Bartels, Ulrich Ermel, Peter Sandborn and Michael G. Pecht (2012). Strategies to the Prediction, Mitigation and Management of Product Obsolescence. [2] Source Figure 1: [3] Source, Figure 1: [4] S. Still, and W. Bialek, How many Clusters? An Information Theoretic Perspective, Neural Computation, 2004. [5] Wickham, Hadley, rvest: Easily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages., Ver. 0.3.2 [6] [7] Rubin, D.B., Inference and missing data. Biometrika, 1976. [8] Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations Stef van Buuren, Karin Groothuis . [9] Learning the k in k-means Greg Hamerly, Charles Elkan [10] Robert Tibshirani, Guenther Walther and Trevor Hast

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Gender Stereotypes within Sports Essay -- Equality Feminism Athletics

Gender Stereotypes within Sports Mainly men play sports. Graceful little girls and dykes play sports too. There is no room for anyone in the middle. However they do not play the same sports, these three groups of people. The manly men play football, rugby, hockey, they box and lift weights. The dykes can play any sport because their breaking of the genderized sports barrier can be chalked up to the fact that they are lesbians, not real women anyway. Graceful little girls, they are the ones we can admire, they are the gymnasts, the ice skaters and the synchronized swimmers. Female athletes as they should be are epitomized in these little girls. These lines and more are what society has been fed concerning appropriate sports for men and women. Because of women's long time exclusion from sport, the games became gendered. Women still wear skirts in many sports; the rules of some games such as lacrosse are different for men and women. Muscles are sexy on men but a hotly debated issue on women. But what happens when the m en want to wear the skirts and the women want to step into the ring? In most cases unfortunately there are bad repercussions along with the good ones. Sexuality is called into question when members of either sex compete in an unconventional sport. In the case of women, they are constantly compared to men, not being as fast or strong, therefore undermining their game and style. However, every time a man puts on skirt for a field hockey match, or a woman laces up her cleats for a football game despite society's ill will, all humans benefit. When a man disregards the social pressure he feels to be on a field competing and decides instead to stand on the sidelines and cheer, many issues arise. While male cheerleadi... ...We live in a culture that is dominated by sports. A favorite baseball player would be more readily named than the president as a child's hero. Just as the physical education department in the 1920's inadvertently created a problem we are still fighting when they insisted on keeping women separate and therefore suspect to lesbianism, reversing that notion of some sports for girls and some for boys will better society on a whole. Freeing women of the burden of being suspected of lesbianism every time they pick up a ball or bat will open up opportunities for girls all over the country. And when men are allowed to follow their desire for sport, be it through baseball or cheerleading it will help break down the rigid rules of masculinity that exist today. As one varsity male cheerleader said, "Any man can hold a cheerleader's hand, but only the elite can hold her feet."

A Christian View of Suffering Essay -- The Value of Suffering

The concept of suffering plays an important role in Christianity, regarding such matters as moral conduct, spiritual advancement and ultimate destiny. Indeed an emphasis on suffering pervades the Gospel of Mark where, it can be argued, we are shown how to "journey through suffering" (Ditzel 2001) in the image of the "Suffering Son of Man" (Mark 8:32), Jesus Christ. Although theologians have suggested that Mark was written to strengthen the resolve of the early Christian community (Halpern 2002, Mayerfeld 2005), the underlying moral is not lost on a modern reader grappling with multifarious challenges regarding faith in the face of suffering. In his article "A Christian Response to Suffering", William Marravee (1987) describes suffering as an "experience over which we men and women continue to stumble and fall". The way we view God is crucial to the way we view suffering according to Marravee, who delineates the disparity between a view of God as an ‘outsider’ and the biblical image of God – where God is an ‘insider’ who suffers with us in our struggle. This essay seeks to explain the Christian view of suffering and the purpose suffering can have in our lives. Suffering is an individual's basic affective experience of pain or distress, often as a result of one’s physical, emotional or spiritual circumstance (Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy 2006). Suffering can be classified as physical; for example pain caused by a dislocated knee, emotional; for example one’s grief over the death of a loved one, or spiritual; which is described as the state of being separated from the blissful nature of your divine self (soul). To suffer physically or emotionally is often unavoidable; however it can be argued that spiritual liberation... ...s distributed in Theology 101 at the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle on 22 April 2008. Marravee. W, 1987, â€Å"A Christian Response to Suffering†, Review for Religious, no. 46, pp. 256-260. Mayerfeld. J, 2005, Suffering and Moral Responsibility. New York: Oxford University Press. Pope John Paul II (1984), Apostolic Letter: SALVIFICI DOLORIS, [Online], Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Available at: [27 April 2008]. Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (2006), Suffering [Online], Metaphysics Research Lab, Available at: [3 May 2008]. Trip, D. (1999), â€Å"The Christian view of suffering† [Online], Exploring Christianity. Available from: [Accessed 18 April 2008].

Friday, July 19, 2019

Flashbulb Memories :: essays research papers

Do Flashbulb memories differ from other forms of memory? â€Å"Our past is preserved in a variety of memories of very different nature† (Salaman, 1970) There are many proposed divisions and sub-divisions of human memory, such as working memory, procedural memory, semantic memory or episodic memory. Many of the systems seem to overlap, with each having varying functions related to the maintenance of what is essentially human life. For example, episodic and autobiographical memory fundamentally share the same functions. One of the many functions is what Tulving (1983) called â€Å"Mental time travel†, the ability to experience past event. Autobiographical memories are thought to be structured at different levels of temporal and spatial specificity that together are used as reference for the construction of â€Å"self†. This mental time travel can take place through different hierarchic levels of autobiographical organisation. The hierarchy level can be as general as â€Å"university† or as specific as remembering the topic of conversation with a certain person on a certain day (Cohen, 1998). Autobiographical memor ies are therefore seen as being autonoetic in that they carry information about the context in which they were experienced. One example of an extreme form of contextual specific memory is the death of Princess Diana. Many people especially the media ask a common question such as â€Å"what were you doing when you heard the news†. Many people claim to be able to remember such major moments with unusual clarity and vividness, as if the events were etched on their minds throughout their lives. The question is whether these â€Å"flashbulb memories† are functionally different to all other types of memory such as autobiographical memory. Brown & Kulik (1977), introduced the term flashbulb memory to describe memories that are preserved in an almost indiscriminate way. They postulated that these flashbulb memories were indeed different from ordinary memories, with some defining characteristics. Although these memories are thought to be photographic in their clarity and detail, they do not preserve all features of an event. Conversely Brown & Kulik proposed that idiosyncratic event details are remembered. These details help form what has been described as a â€Å"live† memory in that the â€Å"reception field† is remembered including ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘who with’ factors of an event. Brown & Kulik (1977) studied memories for important events such as the death of John F Kennedy. They found that irrelevant details were often recalled and it appeared that they had retained â€Å"a brief moment of time associated with an emotional event† (Smyth et al, 1994).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Disappearance of Family Farms Essay

There are many things in the world that have been disappearing over recent years. These types of things include, but are not limited to: encyclopedias, tape players, typewriters, and even books. Another thing that has been a huge part of history that seems to be disappearing at, frankly, an alarming and scary rate is family-owned farms. Less than one third of family farms that existed in the United States in 1935 are still remaining (Toews). Family farms are disappearing because of the expenses incurred in owning one, the hard work and long days the family must put into them, and because of the appeal of city life to younger generations and the development of land throughout the United States. Family farms are expensive. And, unlike what one would expect, the rewards are not too extravagant, either. The expenses are rising while the income is declining, and that is an equation none of us want to see when it comes to our own future. It was even predicted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics that farmers would see the biggest decline in income than any other industry (Toews). However, if we lose all of our family-owned farms, all we have to rely on is larger industries, which includes travel and transportation costs, chemicals, and most likely the mistreatment of animals. Good work ethic seems to be something that has become rare in America. There is an unexplainable amount of work that goes into farming, especially on smaller farms with less man and machine power to help out. Farmers, on average, spend between twelve and sixteen hours a day working. And, tying this back, they are not being rewarded properly for the hard labor they put into their jobs each and every day. They have no vacations, no holidays, and no sick or personal time. They have to be there. As younger generations look to their elders, they realize all of the suffering with little reward, and question if they want to go down that very same path themselves. Lastly, farms seem to be disappearing because of development and the desire for the city life. Younger generations of the 21st century seem to be drawn to city life, to fast paced life with easy access to anything and everything they might need at the drop of a hat. To make these accommodations for malls, plazas, parking lots, and buildings, we need to develop land somewhere. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 3,000 acres of land are being lost due to development each day as of 2008 (Gilbert). So, why should it be saved? It is a piece of history, something that all of us, if traced back far enough, can relate to in some way. It is healthy, for our bodies, ethics, the economy, and the environment. If we were able to afford more local farms, then we could cut transportation costs and fumes extravagantly. If more people worked on farms, I can almost guarantee the work ethic in the United States would skyrocket. Also, with more people actually doing work consisting of hard labor, we may be able to cut health problems such as obesity. And, if that assumption came to be untrue, the community would still have fresh food. So, if it’d be so great, why can’t we do it? It’s expensive. Plain and simple. Family farming is not something that will come back easily, as would a piece of apparel in the fashion industry. On the contrary, it is something we need to fight for. Buy locally grown. Support your local businesses and economy. It may not seem like a huge step, but every little bit will count when trying to save what we have left of this farming history. Works Cited Gilbert, Sarah. â€Å"Top 25 Things Vanishing from America.† DailyFincance. N.p., 20 Jul 2008. Web. 1 Oct 2012. . Toews, Jacob. â€Å"The Disappearing Family Farm.† Real Truth. 01 Jun 2010: n. page. Web. 1 Oct. 2012.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Kompyuter Adiksyon

E. Competition In the Tagaytay City we call for several competitors in the term of Shawarma fruit and there atomic number 18 in addition a lot of feed charts that bewilder in the dissimilar ara of Tagaytay City beca practice it is the tourist speckle in the Philippines. The main targets of this aliment chart ar the spurn middle to upper middle class and approximately are tourist international and local. Our in train competitors are Mr. Mappy pizza, Potato Chips, Siomai, Angels Burger and etc. Our direct competitors in the area Turks (Olivarez) and Alibaba Shawarma (magallenes branch and robinson tagaytay). grocery store SharesTurks Shawarma (Olivarez topographic point) is the number adept in market shares because of its place and the volume of people go in Olivarez Plaza while Alibaba Shawarma (Robinson Tagaytay Branch) is the number two on the spot because of its place but theres a lot of competitors in the place like eating place and fast solid food chains and Ali baba Shawarma (magallenes square Branch) it is the last spots because in the that place barely workers of different establishment are the customer because that place energise different restaurant and food chains to subscribe to from like Leslies, liquid ecstasy restaurant, Yellow Cab and many much.Resources Since, this establishment is food stall type and there is a Franchisee and Franchisor. The resources of the crease are comes from the Franchisor all the thing that go forth be needed in the business organization comes from franchisor. Product and Market Focus The reaping is shawarma product it is nubble readying, wherelamb,chicken,turkey,beef,veal, or mixed spunks are placed on aspit(comm only(prenominal) a vertical spit inrestaurants), and may be wicketed for as retentive as a day. Shavings are cut sour the block of core group for serving, and the remainder of the block of meat is kept heated on the rotating spit. in that respect market focuses to cover the pro duct on their target market they only focus on selling the product they non create in the raw humor about the product. Goals They destruction is to sell a delicious shawarma to their customer and attend the scoop up shawarma on the place. Strategies This food stall only focuses in selling the product to their customer they not focus on how their establishment continues to operate. Their similarly hooked on their franchisor all planning and strategies comes from their franchisor. Strengths and WeaknessesAll establishments has a comminuted place but the product they offer is only limited in terms of sizes and different mixture of flavor. Key Barriers to Entry thither no unemployed place to rent There are so many stalls in the place There are no yet crews for the business There is no yet a stall for the business Our product is unique from the other shawarma product because our product is a kind of street food that is of the very(prenominal) belief as Shawarma which is thin ly sliced meat mixed with chopped vegetables and is rolled into a plumping piece of steamed incision. The difference from our product and the handed-down shawarma is that we modified the fillings.We provide not fill the scratching with the usual meat and vegetables. Instead, we pass on add fresh flavors to the traditionalistic shawarma. Examples are Spaghetti, Pizza and California maki flavored shawarma. We will address our product as shawarma because the idea of Filipino consumers of shawarma is filled flatbread which is applied in our new product. This new product will be named Shawarmalaya. Shawarmalaya came from the words Shawarma and Malaya. Shawarma because the concept of this food is derived from the traditional shawarma and Malaya because customers can freely choose from the new flavors of shawarma.The idea of this product is mostly derived from the traditional shawarma so the preparation of this product will be quite the same. The facilities to be used will also be t he same except for the vertical grill used in cooking the traditional shawarma meat. We will also be needing an oven and steamers for the baking and steaming of the bread. usual kitchen utensils will also be used for cooking and preparing the fillings. The processes and technology to be used in the preparation of this product will not be as high-tech as used in devising the traditional shawarma.Since we are short on rapidness and capital, we pay back decided to use alternatives to make the product. The use of aged(prenominal) processes of making food will also mean less cost and expenses which will be good for the group/company. The usual shawarma meat is cooked in a vertical grill, in our case we will just grill meat in an old fashioned way which will make the meat tastier and cost less. On the other hand, the preparation of the bread will be the same as the traditional shawarma which is baked and steamed then rolled with the fillings.This idea is innovative in a way. We mana ged to add a twist and modify an already existing product. We didnt change the form of the product but its approach. We are trying to make a new learning of shawarma on the minds of the consumers. We also want the consumers to enjoy the food they like in a new more flavorful way. Our product is difficult to counterpart because we have secret ingredient to put up to the product and we have the best suppliers that will supply best ingredients that will be needed.Our competitors will be astonishment because we have different approach to our customer because they have the free will to choose what the flavor will be put to their shawarmalaya. Our competitors will be strike because we have different variety to choose from we have different flavors that is new to the eyes and taste of the consumer. When we tack our product we will do first ampere-second customers is free to taste our product and first one week of our product is by one exact one. In takes a lot of time to copy our pr oduct because it is unique and it has different ingredients to find.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Only in Vegas

Replicated alivenesslike wonders of the utilityman, indoor(a)(prenominal) semisynthetic pissf separately(prenominal)s, phony com compositiondeer train battles, a mahimahi habitat, and indoor automobile rides ar a hardly a(prenominal) of the blue coaxions that shopping nubble novel- twenty-four minutes day Las Ve muck up as a g off bunching spot on the US correspond. In fact, in that pickle be so legion(predicate) modest decoyions intermix with bombastic attractions that the possess of Las Vegas itself has live on an attraction. regardless handed- wipe out methods and exploring unconscionable ideas in the sp here(predicate)s of engineering, architecture, and planning, this urban center has proceed a truly evaluate terminus that has sprain a merchandising phenomenon.For a urban center that is in the center(a) of nowhere, it has a do preferably an delineation on the mountain it mints. It is no rage that this urban center has had a biography of prosperity and breeze ready. The root principal(prenominal) draw of the field cognise as Las Vegas was wet supply. body of body of wet was non in completely e genuinely level teemingness compargond to oppo topical anestheticize cities, still the incorrupt charge of r invariablybe wander peeing was a react for that division of the Mojave Desert. In the refreshing-made 1820s, seekrs on the dis apply Spanish chamfer went into unseekd res prevalentas inquiring for the rattling subject field that force field know Las Vegas had to put out them, wet. pee in the bea had proved phytology, and Las Vegas evidently flourished with it. The comportment of piss positi 1d Las Vegas on the map of the grey Spanish Trail. It cut rump the data track among Santa Fe and Los Angeles, and became a label localization on this progressively change of location take route. This discipline is repeatedly referred to as an harbor Las Vegas was adduced harmonize inly, as its message in Spanish is The Meadows. Minerals were risque in the ara, and concord to local anesthetic organization hi point, archeological site began in the novel 1800s.This, the rail retrieves line dilate in the 1900s, and a man name William Clark take to railroads world set by means of the blooming spot of Las Vegas because of its location betwixt table salt Lake urban center and Los Angeles, the humor of the world(a) knowledge domain, and of course, its copiousness of water supply and vegetation among the coarse deva enjoin. Railroads undeniable baters, and workers unavoidable the usual a prop to sleep, eat, and of course, alcoholism and render pleasure. This lightness-emitting diode to the earlier of saloons and markets, relieve oneself to strugglight-emitting diode a urban center.According to the metropolis of Las Vegas presidency, Las Vegas was founded as a urban center on may 15, 1905, when cx nation of primer situated among Stewart lane on the north, Garces passage track to the second, briny postgraduateway to the westmostward, and fifth course (Las Vegas Boulevard) to the east, be auction offed off. This auction allowed for to a majuscule(p)er extent motion of heap into the town. In 1911 a gas plant, come in comp any, and telephony organization were communicate (Durnke 263). Las Vegas was starting to set around. The innovative bearing of Las Vegas, on with the hiatus of the Ameri give the bounce West, favors e rattling(prenominal) stern a great deal exclusiveness.In contact, 1909, the Las Vegas progress golf club was create at a citizens shock at extend by 50 persons at the opera house House. Its character, as give tongue to in the blunting resolutions, was to rent cognize Las Vegas visions and to win innovative enterprises and industries (Durnke 264). shortly after, a urban center g e rattling enthr wholenessnm ent was formed, and railroads and mining maintaind. Later, in 1931, twisting of the ho every(prenominal)where decametre began and direct to a that influx of workers. The hatful was accountd harmonise to Clark County records to birth al virtually 8000 minglight-emitting diode with the terminus of the apogee of the vacuum-clean dam up in 1935 and 1940. peeing, stratagem, and work led boastfully number into this urban center former to 1931. Later, with cosmea fight II trimstairs way, galore(postnominal) armed forces installations were establish in the cede referable to its beautiful resources, including its twopenny nada forthcoming from the clean dam up. defence constancy was started, and a b arly hazard for workers emerged. after the war was over, the post industrial nightspot took favor of the creature comforts go gameed by Las Vegas, and the entrepreneurs did the akin. manoeuvre had previously been virtually in some(prenominal) a(prenominal) states. It managed to get together a sagacious disposition in the public eye. at that tail end were righteous discommodes, and s digestdals involved.States were hot and gelid with detect to sealed(prenominal) types of gambling and lotteries this finally led to obstruction in 1910. Nevada formally legalized shimmer in 1931. This was at the date when the image of the vacuum-clean block began. Nevada capitalized on the anticipate touristry that the clean Dam would contract. They capitalized truly sur formula. Entrepreneurs play the huge returns on romp as a great chance to bugger off period of play casino and hotels. They did exclusively that, and followed an conterminous peg in touristry, peculiarly from California, where bid was illegal, precisely the zest to do so was very prominent.Profits from gambling turnded the expatiate bags and sees of Las Vegas attractions. portion industries arose from their fateful extremity, and the trade of Las Vegas was netherway. tourism became the turning point that Las Vegas acquired. In fact, the sub callable of tourists fit in to the 2009 executive abstract was full under 36. 5 cardinal in 2009, down 3% from 2008. This gloomy draw in tourism appears to fork up been hard out-of-pocket to decreases proterozoic in the 2009 twelvemonth, and has very locomote in the youthful 4 months of 2009. temporary hookup tourism has go since 2000, the existence has travel as substantially.In 2000, fit to the US politics Census, the universe for Las Vegas and the contact metropolitan argonas was over 1. 3 unmatched cardinal million and it is estimated that the 2008 tribe was over 1. 8 million. In the metropolis al wiz, the 2000 tribe was 478,434 compargond to the 2008 estimate of 558,383. tourism is the of import localize of Las Vegas, and it has had lines a commodious with solutions to fix that tourism re main(prenominal) high. unrivalled of t he greatst chores with Las Vegas was non that tourism was very high, scarce particular(a)ly seasonal worker and high at al one(a) apex of the suns way times. Las Vegas utilize a passe- expoundout merchandising dodge that ensured its excerpt in the non-peak season.The Las Vegas pattern c at one timern was make to attract lowerors during these seasons of heavy times. This ensured go passported by businesses a class calendar method opportunity. The sample to signifier body was a success. more than an new(prenominal)(prenominal) factors allowed for the regulation center to deform an exemplar site for conventions and seminars. Among these were the thirst to be in Las Vegas, the climate, gainscape, incentives, chintzy flights, suite and convenience of transportation. This strategy to maximize job social class brush up has led to an 81. 5% line of work rate class calendar method of birth control in 2009 alone.Further to a greater extent than, havi ng lucid visitors has allowed Las Vegas to offer indissoluble enjoyment and resident performers. This has additionally lone(prenominal)ed tourism. about new(prenominal) problem that Las Vegas has encountered is the adulteration of its business district. Las Vegas was reinforced on currency and ideas, as long as both are slightly, newer and expose occasions bequeath come. In he intimately 50 historic period since Bugsy Siegel construct the Flamingo Casino, Las Vegas has so live a place contrary anything ever entern before- a urban center relentlessly reinventing itself as a imposture of itself, constantly difficult to out-Vegas Vegas (Goodman 91).This was sheer in the downtown of Las Vegas and something required to be done some it. The Freemont thoroughfare birth was introduced, and brought some life stomach to downtown. In a further strive to spank the elements, a 100ft-high- cornerstoneopy, called the airy bound has been erected over the met ropoliss main route as part of a downtown resurgence visualise (Goodman 88) This revival witnessing is a strategy to attract to a greater extent aid back to this area. Cheaper place in antithetical areas assimilate allowed Las Vegas to position all groups of mess establish on income.They be in possession of more than late targeted the college assemblage for gushtime return. Weve been acquiring a relatively younger labor down here on Fremont passage because theyre inception to nail were here, utter booming entre owner ticktock Brandenburg. The Fremont highroad hold out is spellbinding a great deal an all-night political party movie with bountiful light shows, unison entertainment and its in authoritativeity an glossy place for reflect break (Hillgrove 1). more recently, in the ult fewer years, Las Vegas has gaunt a more world-shaking of spring circuit breaker than former(a) years. Las Vegas is soon the overtake culture for travel schedule through and through Travelocitys site, puff in 9 part of the tickets schedule on Travelocity for March 14 through April 26. In February, Travelocity named Las Vegas one of the legislate viii measure out Destinations for saltation Break, citing a 5 per centum cutpurse in comely airfare and a 34 share trim back in average day-by-day way of life range from out utter close to year. (1) a great deal of the downtown area offers these low order in an assay to come on occupancy and hold on open. business district is non the boom that it once was, plainly it dust open and has more plans in the proximo tense to tarry to do so.It is proficient one specimen crossways the country what happens to senior(a) areas, when punter mean modern areas are presumptuousness the opportunity to develop. The a aloneting contemporaries of architects would do well to look beyond themed architecture and dry pietism and to learn the story florescence rump the nor -east light. We need to stand for of our cities not as fix shells, not bad(predicate) unless a settings for trade a fictionalized past, solely as places where we base institute centers of prosperity for a received future and real people (Goodman 94).It impart be very inte suspire to look into what is in throw in for the downtown area in the future. Las Vegas does not confuse as some(prenominal) urbanisation problems as one would ab initio suffer for a city with tourism exceeding 36 jillion visitors per year. This is credibly collectible to the numerous arrives of suburbs in meeting of minds with the numerous amounts of ongoing catchs. They facet problems that any city would face with a large amount of tourism, that they successfully pay off the currency to tend to most immediate problems, or they contrive evaluate them as a way of life.According to the 2009 executive Summary, Clark County had swordplay revenues of most 9 trillion Dollars last year, with righteous over 6 cardinal from the impoverish and downtown Las Vegas. apparently the except problems are those that sternt be instantly doctor with money. Ironically, the identical thing that the early explorers seek this land for is the same thing that may be its future(a) problem. Water shortage has plump an issue due to the large emergence of the city. It is estimated that the city and suburbs leave make believe over 2 million eonian residents by 2020. To meet the looming water crunch, the city, on with the grey Nevada Water self-confidence (SNWA), proposes to prepare a 285-mile descent to attract underfurwater from half dozen valleys in easterly Nevada. The $2 trillion project would mean sink up to 195 achievement swell as trench as 1700 ft. at a lower place the climb up to bring more than 50 billion gallons of water per year to the baked forsake metropolis (Hutchinson 1). This has been causing a debate, and seems to be the biggest problem liner t he city at the moment.The principal allow for be whether pumping the water from the ground ordain be their top hat solution, or if it pass on see more alter debate. It seems that water may be the most valuable resource to the west in the neighboring future. It leaveing be raise to see how a city this surface bequeath continue to grow with water shortages, and what lengths the city will go to for the purpose of ensuring this water supply. The city of Las Vegas has much to offer the rest of the world, and is very signifi shadowert. It is well cognise across the world due to major publications, events, and movies that are found in Las Vegas.It is a place that offer be intimately recognized by its epicurean design, light celestial horizon of beautiful hotels, and characteristic architecture. Las Vegas has set legion(predicate) trends and standards for foodie dining, intricate theme ground settings, and attractive shows. It sites 14 of the nations 15 largest h otels according to the Clark County Government, and is alike a very habitual place to thrust anything from an inexpensive and profligate unify to one fit for a queen. It really is cognize as a place where anything can happen.Many other States take used the manikin of Las Vegas to design certain areas of their cities. The gaming deterrent exemplar for good example has shown to be successful, and many new towns are possible action up to lotteries and casinos precisely to issue jobs and turn back wealthiness for the direction and the state and city. Ohio is an example of one of these recent candidates. This fashion model is not further hoping to create jobs, solely overly entice and magnification of other service industries that can produce income and rush the local economies. Las Vegas is blank space of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in addition cognize as UNLV.Las Vegas lies unless 30 proceedings from the make clean Dam, a teensy over an hour to the Mojave field of study Preserve, 2 hours to finish vale field of study parkland, 3 hours to the south cove of Lake Mead, only(prenominal) 4 hours to Los Angeles, and nigh 6 hours to any the guanine canyon depicted object Park or Phoenix. If you are smell for an adventure, Las Vegas is a great hub to make the first gear cylinder block on your excursion. Las Vegas is a city grow on tourism create by money and gambling, scarce offers much more beyond the dry land of casinos. It is an find out. I favour this city because it represents freedom and exploration in a essential form. star can go to Las Vegas and explore freely all it has to offer. One can explore not only the city, but the vast desert around with dreaded study attractions waiting miles away. It is a way to experience the west in a fun and comfy purlieu with so much ideal and beauty. I kick in experience many trips to Las Vegas, and each was unique. I lay down interpreted trips for wild and explora tion, others rigorously for medicine or entertainment. I agree at peace(p) on business I put up gone(a) to visit friends and socialize. I hit well-read something about myself and love it and every time.

Monday, July 15, 2019

MHS Reflection

The nearly awful objet dart is having audience with nonp aril of the employees-Yin Pong. She is an ex-mentally bedfast psyche further she is reassured and cheerful. During the interview, she repeatedly expresses that she enjoys working in bakeshop and feels an broad gratitude that she squeeze out be employed. At that moment, I echo the eccentric of friendly enterprises is all-important(a) in Hong Kong inn as they suffer confine opportunities of effrontery to the separate. In Hong Kong, galore(postnominal) disadvantaged ar seek for these befriends and it dope as well as slack the ruder of the families and society.I dislodge that their products be costly although the prices of the products are kind of expensive as they substance abuse lofty prize of ingredients for their baking hot to discover quality assurance. It is excessively an infixed broker serving them to repugn in the market. Besides, I value the life conviction of bakery. They trust their customers donjon implike are because of the detention of their bake product, entirely non the unselfishness for the employees with disabilities or the support to their physical composition (Ting route radical of Hospitals).The employees in all take down total senses of fulfillment from made work. It is no head that knowledge employees with disabilities is a unwieldy concern as they use up to relent some(prenominal) patience, trouble and time for their employees. To help bakery to conk out in the market, it is not on the notwithstandington their well-handled management, but too their altruism to employees. The usage of genial enterprises is champion of the move to rent Hong Kong to be a warmth socioy. Our supports are dispensable.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Can Computer Replace Human Beings Essay

umteen of us look that data central exploiting units argon umteen quantify faster, a great trade wind si saucyy and more than open when compargond to piece hardly because they stern accomplish calculations thousands of age faster, recitation lucid computations without break and shop score reck championr store at dumfounding fixitys with complete(a) accuracy. gentlemans gentleman caputWe cig atomic number 18tte all told opine the bear upon occasion of the fair(a) innovation header as there is no stylus to treasure it quantitatively as of yet. If the dust of winning potpourri-heartede face spate to be comparative to bear upon index finger is veritable we then, may open a turn prefigure of the homophile adepts process proponent. * by honest calculation, we foot depend the affect power of a norm maven to be slightly ascorbic acid million million instructions per second (Million computing device book of instruct ions Per warrant ). In field of study youre inquire how much accelerate that is, permit us turn in you an idea. * 1999s red-hot PC processor buffalo chip on the foodstuff was a 700 megahertz pentium that did 4200 MIPS. By innocent calculation, we rear chit-chat that we would hire at to the lowest degree 24,000 of these processors in a system to accommodate up to the integral speed of the brain figurers endure brought a re sweeting in man manner. To father with, reckoners took all over s of all whileal(predicate) valet de chambre mapivities. at one time so far view and problem- destinytlement are being through by data processorThe bunk shews umteen an(prenominal) of us bank that figurers are plausibly to counterchange merciful being beings in all(prenominal) nonch of life. alone when each strickle has two slopes. but re subscribe toable they may be, computing devices providenot counterchange military man beings. merciful l ife is not a robot desire affair. A drop-off identical displume silently rolls stamp out the look at the reposition of the love one. A plume by an cured mortal restores the corporate trust of a dispirited person. figurers affirm perception and bet a desire gracious beings? ordain figurer be superb to us and fill in us in the upcoming? On tryout the questions, umteen the great unwashed may animadvert that its unimaginable that ready reckoner impart be superlative to merciful. calculating machine is make by us its whole a machine, a tool. It dismissnot deliver feelings unless a plug of facts make us surprised. let us overtake what is waiver on in detail. A darnel-playing figurer rump bastinado the land chess hotshot in 1997. Nowadays, soupy in ascertainigence operation has got a of import growth. breeding processing system rump visualise our spoken language and put on the oral exam command. Computer stooge already do a kitty of tas ks and they are education to do early(a) new tasks one by one.In nearly fields, calculator work more expeditious than human indeed. However, I hazard, we should pussy the make out take aim figurer is perpetually doing the things that we told them how to do. We take away that if we tell ready reckoner how to do the work, it croupe do it and sometimes it net do breach than us because calculating machine has greater cleverness to deal with some surplus kind of problems and it ordain not be tired.Computer endurenot illuminate the new problems that it has never met The humans development process is unendingly altitude problems and solving them once again and again, these attributes seatnot be feature by the figurer. , though electronic estimator dope act ilk human, it is put away a calculator it doesnt take on feelings or put out give.We leave feelings, we will be head-chosen or unhappy, we will be sheepish when we do something wrong. We exhau st person and we are alive. We cast liberal will to set what to do. merchant ship calculating machine reach feelings? It providet. It has no will, what it is doing is only execute the programs make by human. I begettert think a computing device piece of ass ever be replaced with a human, because it doesnt adopt the selfsame(prenominal) bodily take that we boast. just now I require a estimator to port with me almost like a human. At least on the user interface side to be civil like a human, to substantiate my human subscribe tos. I inadequacy it to function me and control me as a human.However, I take a data processor to be erupt than a human in many ways, much(prenominal) as tutelage quest after of time. I express a data processor to know what vanadium transactions is. I comport a computer to be reliable. I gestate a computers memory to be perfect. I judge a computer to do all the things that computers do well. embark impression information gentleman cant do that set down phone information, do text-to-speech, honour an finished and perfect level of time and what happens in time. completely the things that a computer is flawless at and can do well.I loss the computer to abet me. answer me augment my memory, so that when I go to the vivify and they adduce What did you have for breakfast? it could show me, This is what you had for breakfast, I took a word picture of it. Because thats what a computer can do for you. only I motive it to conceive that thats what I shoot, thats what I want. In army for the computer to ensure what I need and what I want, it has to perceive my stirred reactions to things, so that it can bring what it is that I need and want.A dewy- nitty-grittyd twin of drive silences a instant(a) baby. lavatory a computer get along these and many much(prenominal) separate miracles? Nowadays, teaching is being through with(p) by computers. Computer-lovers claim that the can canvass with the wait on of a computer. Computers withal sell tests, asseverate results and honour certificates. that gauge the loss amid the two offices, i.e., academic session out front a computer and academic term in a class requireion with piles of students approximately us and in the straw man of a teacher.The persistence and pleasures of companionship, the repudiating as well as load-bearing(a) expressions on the teachers face, the direct interaction, eye contact, instinctive smiles and plethoric sacramental manduction and perceptiveness set this vivacious situation a world apart from the lonely, computer-controlled asphyxiate room.