Monday, July 29, 2019

P3725 case 21 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

P3725 case 21 - Essay Example On the other hand, untreated periodontitis can lead to early tooth loss. According to Ere and Genco (2007), â€Å"periodontal disease is highly prevalent in older adults, affecting 34% of the American population ages greater than 30 years and it is severe in 13% .† Patient with certain genetic traits or systemic diseases such as diabetes, smokers, stress, medication, clenching, or grinding teeth suffer from increase susceptibility. Reducing gingivitis and destructive periodontal diseases among adults is one of the important oral health objectives since it entails proving good oral preventive instruction care. As a student, I want to contribute to the efforts aimed at decreasing prenatal disease care particularly with respect to the case of Mr. B. I have seen a number of patients with some periodontal disease. Such encounters have been very fundamental in broadening my knowledge and understanding on care related to such infections, a move that would be very critical in helping such patients. One of such cases is that of Mr. B who is 48 year-old male, divorced, and works 3-4 days a week far from home. Currently, he is serving as a salesperson. He happens to have been complaining of the appearance of the yellowing and stains teeth. Over the last three years, he has been to a dental specialist after every 4 months for checkups and cleaning. This patient clenches and grinds the teeth in the daytime and night. He does not floss and regularly uses hard tooth brush 3 times a week for approximately one minute with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda tooth paste. He has been smoking two packets of cigarettes per day and has not plan to quite any time soon. Also, he consumes four cups of coffee daily. The patient has type II diabetes und er control with medication. The last physician visit was for hyperthyroidism thyroid gland with medication. He strives to reach a

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