Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Person Who Was Nearly Killed After a Heart Attack Research Paper

A Person Who Was Nearly Killed After a Heart Attack - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that many years ago, the patient was already warned by the doctors to watch his diet and maintain a regular exercise. He was advised to be â€Å"careful about his health† and watch his weight because he was already hypertensive and his family (both on the father and mother side) had a long history of having cardiovascular disease and hypertension. The patient was already overweight which indicated that he really had to watch his health. Even his wife which is also a family friend already advised him to at least scale down on his drinking habit and have a change of diet. Still, it was to no avail. The patient was encouraged to do sport or go to the gym or do a leisure swim as a substitute for drinking but it still did not work. Even if he already reached his 40s and had a history of cardiovascular diseases on both sides of his family, he still carried the lifestyle that he had when he was still college. He likes to indulge in fatty foods like pork and high cholesterol beef in addition to junk foods and soda. Even his wife already reminded him to â€Å"slow down† with his eating and drinking habits to no avail. He does not get enough sleep due to his beer binges rendering his immune system weak. Until one day while eating, he suffered a heart attack and it was obviously bad. He just fell from his seat. It was accompanied by a stroke due to his hypertension. It nearly killed him only that he was rushed to the hospital in time. But he was not able to recover from that single heart attack and stroke.... ho attended him explained that the stroke which paralyzed his brain was caused by high blood pressure and heart attack which deprived the brain of oxygen during the attack. Due to the spontaneous heart attacks and stroke that deprived the brain oxygen (caused by heart attack), several blood vessels or nerves in his brain burst. The bursting of the blood vessels left a blood clot lodged within the nerves of his brain that blocked the oxygen from reaching his brain tissues. As a result, his brain tissues deteriorated that instead of recovering, his situation is just getting bad. To date, his physical movement is seriously limited that he has to be on a wheel chair and his speech is now impaired because he can no longer speak clearly. His hearing also deteriorated because we have to yell before he can hear us. But what hurts more than his physical condition is the effect of his sudden paralysis on his family. It was also as if his family was paralyzed. The very first thing that was affe cted was their finances. He was the sole breadwinner in their family and his paralysis rendered him unfit to work and removed the source of income for their family. The only consolation they have is that they were done amortizing their house that they were not thrown out to the streets even if the husband is no longer working. Their savings were literally wiped out with his hospitalization that rendered them bankrupt. They also had to spend for his expensive maintenance medicines. What hurt more is that the wife was forced to work doing some menial jobs that she was not used to. Two of his children has to stopped going to college (the eldest was sophomore in college while the second is a freshman and the youngest was in junior high). They went through turbulent times after that becasue

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